Applicant’s Name
Full Address
Phone #(s)
Full Social Security #
Referral Sources
Parent/Guardian/Worker Name
Section I: Housing and Basic Needs – Current Situation
If yes, what is the relationship?
Do you feel safe in your living situation? Yes
Do you feel safe in your living situation? No
If you don’t have stable housing, what is the approximate start date of homelessness
Other needs
WIC- $ Amount of non-cash benefits
TANF (Transportation Services)- $ Amount of non-cash benefits
TANF (Child Care Services)-$ Amount of non-cash benefits
SNAP/Food Stamps - $ Amount of non-cash benefits
Other Sources/Amount of non-cash benefits
If you selected anything other than "None", please list the policy number and the name of the policy holder: (Make this an optional question)
policy number
Policy Holder Name (as it appears on the insurance card)
Private Disability Insurance-Monthly Amount
Child Support-Monthly Amount
Earned Income (currently have a job)-Monthly Amount
SSDI-Monthly Amount
SSI-Monthly Amount
TANF-Monthly Amount
If yes, how much monthly?
Start date of disability
Section II: Education
If no, what grade level?
Last/highest grade completed
If yes, where?
Current grade
If yes, what for?
If not in school, what is their educational plan?
Other educational issues
Section III: Employment/Vocational
If unable to work, why?
If you're not looking for employment, why
What are your employment goals?
Tell me about the jobs you have had in the past
What barriers do you feel you face in achieving employment goals?
Section IV: Health and Wellness
If yes, describe description of problem(s) and client’s ability to adjust to reported disorders or disabilities
(Social determinants of health - i.e., lack of economic stability, lack of quality education, lack of access & quality of healthcare, lack of food, lack of safe affordable housing, lack of transportation, neighborhood violence, different kinds of pollution or exposure to toxins like 2nd hand smoke or loud noises)
If yes, note what medication & the reaction it causes
Please list any food allergies
Please list any dietary requirements
If no, please describe
If you have any other health needs, please explain
If yes, what referrals need to be made?
If yes, who & phone #
If not, what do you do when you are sick?
If not, what do you have in your systemIf not, what do you have in your system?
If yes, what kind?
If yes, due date
Complete Information Below
If yes
How many times?
Suicide Assessment
If yes, take immediate action by following agency procedures and document steps taken below
Homicidal (harm to others) Assessment
If yes, take immediate action by following agency procedures and document steps taken below
Check All That Apply
If yes, where?
If yes, where?
Substance Abuse Screening
If yes, Drug of Choice
Amount Used
Age of 1st Use
Last Used Date
Legal Issues / Legal Status
If yes, how many times
If yes, how many times?
What were they arrested for?
If yes, how many times in the past 12 months?
What were they arrested for?
If yes, Worker Name & Phone#
If yes, when (what year) and why?
If less than 1 year how many months
If yes, when, and why?
If less than 1 year how many months
How many different homes, shelters or group homes have you stayed in? (Must be a # i.e., 3)
If yes, who and why?
If yes, what gang?
Section V: Permanent Connections
Who do you rely on the most for support?
If yes, what activities/groups/organizations?
Strengths, Needs, Abilities (and/or Interest), Preferences, & Liabilities Describe the client’s perceptions concerning their personal strengths, needs, abilities, & preferences as they relate to their overall functioning in the community. Include any liabilities in these areas that needs to be addressed in the client’s treatment, as well as preferences for treatment.
Personality characteristics – i.e., trustworthy, caring, giving, confident, etc
What they need to work on or need in their life
Things that hold them back or stand in the way – i.e., being on probation, neg. peers, etc.
What might prevent you from getting along?
What qualities do you bring that will help you stay on track?
How would you describe yourself?
Besides educational and employment goals, what else can we help you with?
What are some things that are getting in the way of your goals?
What are your greatest strengths that would help you be successful in our program?
How did you hear about BDCO?
What else should we know about your situation in considering your application?
signature "By typing your full name, you acknowledge that you are the person completing this form of your own accord and that their information submitted is accurate to the best of your knowledge."