Foster Care

Transitional Living Center near Midland, TX

Build a Strong Foundation for Your Future

The Overlooked Path from Foster Care to Homelessness

For many youth, the journey into homelessness begins within the foster care system. Each year in Texas, more than 1,200 young adults age out of foster care with limited support, often without the stability and safety nets others rely on. Labeled as “Opportunity Youth” (ages 16-26), many are neither in school nor employed, facing high risks of homelessness, exploitation, and incarceration. In the Permian Basin alone, 11,500 Opportunity Youth are affected, with 2,700 in Midland and 3,800 in Odessa.

Foster Care

Within just two years of leaving foster care, statistics reveal stark realities:

The financial impact on taxpayers is significant, with each Opportunity Youth costing around $17,236 annually. Basin Dream Center is committed to breaking this cycle by providing safe housing, life skills, and employment opportunities, empowering these young people to pursue lives of stability and opportunity.

Foster Care
More than 60% of men will be incarcerated
Over 60% of women end up in sex-related Traffick
More than 50% will be unemployed
20% will become homeless
70% of the women will be pregnant before 21
25% will experience with PTSD